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Solar Battery Explained
Batteries capture and store unused energy generated by your solar panels for you to use when the sun isn’t shining. By harnessing natural energy from the sun, it’s a cleaner way to power your home and achieve energy independence.
Premium Battery
In 2024, Tesla Powerwall with the most votes and BYD batteries ranked 2nd, with Sungrow and SolarEdge tied for third place. You won’t go wrong if you get one of those installed by MES.
NSW Battery Rebate
Unlike a rebate, the discount on the installation cost of your battery is provided as an incentive to an accredited supplier. The accredited supplier will pass on the discount to you via your chosen local installer.
The incentive is proportional to the usable capacity of the battery in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Larger batteries will receive a larger incentive.
If you’re eligible, discounts range between:
$770 and $1150 when you install a new 6.5 kWh battery
$1600 and $2400 when you install a new 13.5 kWh battery

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